
School Board Recognition Month

School Board Recognition Month

January is School Board Recognition Month… Thank you for leading education for the next generation, and thank you for working to provide the best education possible to students and families in Kentucky! #lovekyschoolboards

Ignite Academy - North Campus Construction Progress

Ignite Academy - North Campus Construction Progress

This technology center will provide a space for Madison County students to receive technical training in many disciplines, including health science, business and education, auto mechanics, CAD, marketing, and law and public safety.

New Boyle County Performing Arts Center

New Boyle County Performing Arts Center

From lighting, to sound, to building sets and flying scenery pieces, managing backstage, and singing, dancing, acting, and presenting, the Boyle County Performing Arts Center provides students the opportunity to learn every aspect of theater and performance.

Boonesborough Elementary School in the News!

Booneseborough Elementary School is in the news! Check out the latest coverage of Boonesborough Elementary, set to open next Wednesday in Madison County!…/tour-the-brand-new-boonesborough-elem…/

#BESBears Madison County Schools